Metabolic Conditioning
*The intent of Metabolic Conditioning workouts is to improve aerobic capacity and muscle stamina during longer duration workouts ranging from 15-30 minutes. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
Warm-up together
200m Run 1 min Bike/Row
:20 PVC shoulder/lat str
5 push-ups
:20 down dog, Spiderman & pigeon
5 hanging shrugs w/ pause
:20 squat grind
Directly into: (reset clock)
In 6 min, complete 2 rounds of:
25/side Tubing torso twists (
50ft Lateral ankle band walks/direction
-2 min return to board-
WOD Review: 5 min
-3 min prep-
EMOM for 21 min of:
Min 1: Push press (75/55) (55/35)
Min 2: Burpees over BB (lateral)
Min 3: BB Sumo dead high pull (75/55) (50+ 55/35)
*Choose a number of reps to complete each minute for each movement and try to hold that number throughout the EMOM.
*Score: Lowest and Highest #of Reps per movement over the EMOM