8am Boot Camp
830am EWOD
930am Community WOD
400m run
500m Row
25 Back Squats
25 Shoulder to overhead
400m run
500m row
25 Hang cleans
25 front squats
400m run
500m row
25 Hang snatch
25 OH squats
400m run
500m row
*45/35 Olympic bar
Community WOD
Teams of 2 split reps evenly one athlete working at a time. In 45mins complete as many rounds as possible.
Buy in : 400 meter shared KB farmer carry. ( Use the weight from the WOD) switch as needed.
200 meter row
20 BB Power Clean and jerks (135/95)(105/75)
400 meter row
40 Alternating single arm KB swings (53/35)
600 meter row
60 alternating Power DB Snatch’s (50/35) (35/25)
800 meter row
80 Box step overs (24/20)
1000 meter row
100 BB Floor presses (95/75) (75/65)