Gymnastics Focus
*The Intent for Gymnastics days is to highlight and focus primarily on gymnastics and body weight movements to improve skill and stamina. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
Warm-up together
2 min bike/row
10 PVC PT > ATW > GM
:20 PVC lat & shoulder str
:20 down dog, pigeon, & Spiderman
10 push-ups
5 hanging shrugs w/pause
5 kipping swings
5 lunges/leg
10 BB bunch press
3 min prep
With a 35 min running clock:
Part 1
For total time:
3 Rounds of:
8/leg DB forward alt lunges (hang position) (70/50) (50+ 50/35)
15 T2B
Immediately followed by:
2 Rounds of:
8/leg DB fwd alt lunges (rack position)
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
Immediately followed by:
1 Round of:
8/leg DB fwd alt lunges (overhead position: both hands on DB heads)
5 bar muscle-ups OR 5 Burpee > strict pull-ups (Both RX)
Part 2
With remaining time:
Build to a heavy Bench press