*The intent of OlyNastics workouts are to combine the Olympic weightlifting movements (Clean and Snatch) with more traditional gymnastics movements. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
Warm-up together
2 min row/bike
10 PVC PT > ATW > GM
:20 PVC lat & shoulder str
:20 down dog
10 push-ups
5 hanging shrugs w/pause
3-5 pull-ups OR 1-2 negatives
10 sec HS hold (plank hold)
:20 BB front rack str/ Banded str
5 BB front squats
5 BB thrusters
5 BB clusters (squat clean > thruster)
-3 min prep-
E2MOM for 12 min (6 Rounds):
2^ Clusters (singles or TNG)
-2 min return to board-
WOD Review: 4 min
-4 min prep-
3 Rounds for time:
5 Wall walk-ups or 5 Wall facing strict or kipping HSPU (50+ 1 pad) (Both RX) (https://youtube.com/shorts/DBgnu98I-ZQ?feature=share)
10 Snatches (135/85) (50+ 95/65)