8am Boot Camp
830am EWOD
930am Community WOD
Every 3:00 minutes for 36:00 minutes, alt between the stations:
Station 1:
10 Thuster (95/65)(65/45)
12 Vups
14 BB Hop Overs (O+B = 1)
Station 2: 35/28 Cal Assault Bike(28/20)
Station 3: Big Indoor Loop or Outdoor 300m Run / 400m Row
Community WOD
31min Partner AMRAP
40 Dumbbell Burpee Dead lifts
40 Cal Bike
40 Alt DB Snatch
40 Weighted Box Step Ups
40 Plate Sit-Ups
*Partition work with partner as desired
* DB = 50/35#(35/25)