Phosphogenic – MHD: Bring your bath towel today
*Phosphogenic workouts are primarily strength days that often include a short WOD. The goal is to focus on strength and technique development of 1-2 movements. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
Warm-up together
2 min bike/row
10 PVC PT > ATW > GM
:20 sec PVC lat/shoulder str
3x: push-up > dog
:20 Spider & pigeon/leg
10 sec HS hold
4/leg deficit rev lunges
5 hanging shrugs w/pause
5 BB deads
-7 min prep-
EMOM for 32 min: (8 rounds)
Min 1: 1-3 challenging HSPU (kipping, strict, deficit) OR 3-5 heavy DB strict OHP
Min 2: 4/leg DB/KB deficit goblet rev step lunges (medium/hvy wt)
Min 3: 1 Legless rope climb OR 4 Towel pull-ups (Mod: w/legs, 4 rope pull-ups, 2 rope pulls, Towel ring rows)
Min 4: 1-3 heavy Deadlifts 80-90+ % 1RM