Remember first class is free, come join the fun!
“BRO SESH” EMOM x 12 minutes
(show up to find out the movements but can promise the name gives a hint)
Partner WOD
26 minute AMRAP
3 DB snatch per arm
3 box jumps
200m run
6 DB snatch per arm
6 box jumps
200m run
9 DB snatch per arm
9 box jumps
200m run
Keep adding 3 reps each new round
**P1 will do 3 db snatch per arm and 3 box jumps while P2 will rest then P2 will do 3 db snatch per arm and 3 box jumps while P1 rest then will run a 200m run together. Next round add 3 reps to each movement and pattern repeats. **