8am Boot Camp
830am EWOD
930am Community WOD
EWOD 45min Cap
3 Rounds of
600m Run (750m Row / 1800m Bike)
50 Doubles (50 Dub/Single attempts / 100 Singles)
40 Lateral Lunges (total)
30 MB Sit-ups (20/14) (50+ 14/10)
20 Pull ups
10 Power Clean (155/105) (50+ 105/75)
32min AMRAP
Teams of 3
Athlete 1: Row 500m
Athlete 2: AMRAP
3 Snatches (95/65) (50+ 65/45)
6 Push-ups
9 Air squats
Athlete 3: Rest
*Rotating stations
COME HAVE FUN. GET A SWEAT ON AND BRING A FRIEND!! Or meet your BFF gym friends for some of the usual SATURYAY SHENANIGANS.