8am Boot Camp
830am EWOD
930am Community WOD
EWOD 1. 10 min AMRAP
16/ Dumbbell snatch 8 per arm. (50/35) (35/20)
8/ DB box step ups 4 per side. (24/20) in box
4/ DB clean n jerk 2 per side.
200m sprint.
3min rest
EWOD 2. 10 min AMRAP
20/ DB floor presses 10 per arm (50/35)
16/ DB squat clean. 8 per arm
12/ tricep box /bench dips total
6/ DB bicep curls. both hands for 6 total..
3min rest
EWOD 3. 10 min AMRAP
12/ DB rows off the box. 6 per side (50/35)
8/ DB push-ups 4 per side *advanced stand DB on end..
12/ oblique bridges 6 per side
8/ cal bike.
Community WOD
5RFT with a partner
24 Dubs each
19 Toe 2 Bar (total)
2 Clean & Jerks (205/135)
400m Run together