Tuesday, March 8, 2022


• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.

• Continue to sanitize hands upon entry and wipe down all equipment touched.

• Please continue to bring your own water.

Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min

Warm-up together

3x (PVC and/or BB)

Jog 1 loop

3 hanging shrugs w/ pause

3 air squats

3 front squats

3 strict OHP

3 push press

3 jerks

-3 min prep-


E2MOM for 10 min (5 Rounds)

5/5/3/3/3^ Front squats

2 min clean up and return to board

WOD Review: 3-4 min

-3 min prep-


With a 30 min cap: For total/max reps: (At least 9 min of mandated rest)

3 sets of Strict OHP, (66% body weight/50% BW) (50+ 50%/35%)

3 sets of Strict pull-ups (Mod: Horizontal straight legged ring rows)

3 sets of Push presses, (66% body weight/50% BW) (50+ 50%/35%)

3 sets of Strict pull-ups

3 sets of Push jerks, (66% body weight/50% BW) (50+ 50%/35%)

3 sets of Strict pull-ups

Rest 30 sec. between sets

*Complete all three sets of the same movement, then go to the next skill

*Scoring: Total reps for BB movements and total reps for PU (2 separate cumulative scores)

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