Gymnastics Focus
*The Intent for Gymnastics days is to highlight and focus primarily on gymnastics and body weight movements to improve skill and stamina. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
Warm-up together
90 sec row/bike
30 sec jump rope
5 steps to Spidermans (2 sec holds)
3x push-up > down dog
20 sec/side half kneeling adductor str ( )
5 hanging shrugs w/ pause
10 sec HS hold
-3 min prep-
EMOM for 8 min (4 alt rounds)
Odd min: 10 Ring rows
Even min: 5/side Weighted Lateral lunges
2 min clean-up and return to board
WOD Review: 4 min
-3 min prep-
3 sets of:
6 Min AMRAP (w/ 3 min rest in between)
50 Dubs/100 Singles
12 T2B
4 Wall walk-ups or 25ft HS walk
(24 min total)