8:00 Boot Camp
8:30 EWOD
9:30 Community WOD
For total time:
100m run, followed by 2 Power clean n jerk (135/105) 50+(115/95)
200m run, 4 Power clean n jerk.
300m run, 6 Power clean n jerk.
400m run, 8 power clean n jerk.
Rest and set up for next EWOD #2 3min
200m bike erg, followed by 2 bench/floor press (BW/75%) 50+(75%/50%)
400m bike 4 bench press
600m bike 6 bench press
800m bike 8 bench press
Rest and set up 3min
100m row followed by 2 BB curls (45/35) and 2 tricep dips (bench) ( #Athletes choice)
200m row 4 BB curls 4 dips
300m row 6 BB curls 6 dips
400m row 8 BB curls 8 dips
ITP recovery stretching
For Time (with a Partner)
1. Partner A: 25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) AND 15 Toes-to-Bars. (Mod knees to chest).
Partner B: Barbell Hang Hold (65/55 lb)
Partners switch then repeat.
Rest 60sec
2. Partner A: 25 Box Jumps (24/20 in) AND 15 Pull-Ups (mod) banded or ring rows
Partner B: Barbell Overhead Hold (65/55 lb)
Partners switch then repeat.
Rest 60sec
3. Partner A: 25 Power Cleans (65/55 lb) AND 15 Palm release Push-Ups
Partner B: Pull-Up Bar Hang Hold
Partners switch then repeat.
Rest 60sec
4. Partner A: 25 Back Squats (95/65 lb) AND 15 Shoulder-to-Overhead press (95/65 lb)
Partner B: Plank Hold
Partners switch then repeat.
Rest 60sec
5. Partner A: 25 UK Kettlebell Swings (53/35) AND 15 Burpees
Partner B: Barbell Front Rack Hold (95/65 lb)
Partners switch then repeat.
With a running clock, complete two rounds of each section in the order written as fast as possible (“For Time“). For each section, Partner A will perform the static hold while Partner B will complete the 25-15 reps of the prescribed movements. Then, Partner B will perform the static hold while Partner A will complete the same 25-15 reps of the prescribed movements.
Partner A may only work while Partner B is holding their static hold. If Partner B takes a break, then Partner A must stop working and accumulating reps until Partner B resumes their static hold.