*The intent of OlyNastics workouts are to combine the Olympic weightlifting movements (Clean and Snatch) with more traditional gymnastics movements. *
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
Review Warm-up and SOD: 5 min
60-120 sec row
10 leg swings/leg
3x push-up > down dog > Spiderman
10 PVC pass thru & around the world
30 sec PVC standing shoulder and lat str
10 small plate front and lateral raises
5 BB strict OHP
-3 min prep-
In 12 minutes, complete 4-6 sets of 7^ Strict OH Presses
-3 min clean-up & return to board-
WOD Review: 4 min
-3 min prep-
4 Rounds for time of:
500m Row
6 Bar Muscle-ups OR 6 Strict weighted pull-ups (10/5#) (50+ 5#/BW)
12 V-ups
24 Goblet squats (DB or KB) (53/35) (50+ 35/26)