• Please wear your mask
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to sanitize hands upon entry and wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
1 loop jog
5 push-ups
3 steps to Spiderman’s/leg
30 sec down dog
30 sec pigeon
-5 min prep-
EMOM for 30 min (5 rounds)
1. 10 BB inverted rows (optional elevated feet)
2. 10-15 Plate Sit-ups (10-25#)
3. 8-15 BB Bicep curls
4. 5-7/leg BB Back rack weighted Pitcher squats (Mod: Body weight)
5. 15 Bench reverse hyperextensions
6. 5-10 Back rack Sots Press ( (Mod: Sitting on bench)
*BB weight is the same for each movement unless you need a very light wt for Sots press
SOD Score: BB weight
-4 min prep-
Cal Row (50+: 12-9-6)
WB (20/14) (50+ 14/10) (10/9’)