Metabolic Conditioning
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to sanitize hands upon entry and wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
1 loop jog
20 jump ropes
1 down dog > Spiderman > pigeon
thumb down lat str
BB front rack str
BB front rack stretch
5 BB front squats
5 BB thrusters
WOD Prep
7 min to build up to your WOD weights and shoulder prep for OHS
Every 3 min for 3 Rounds: (9 min)
30 Dubs (45 Singles)
20 Abmat sit-ups
10 Thrusters (from the floor)
Immediately into
Every 3 min for 3 Rounds: (9 min)
30 Dubs (45 Singles)
20 Abmat sit-ups
10 Front squats (from the floor)
Immediately into
Every 3 min for 3 Rounds: (9 min)
30 Dubs (45 Singles)
20 Abmat sit-ups
10 Overhead squats (from the floor)
*Score is the heaviest weight on the BB used during the 3 rounds (3 possible weights posted)
*Adjust weight as needed
* During each 3 minutes running on the clock, you will complete 1 round of the 30, 20, 10. You will take 9 minutes total to complete 3 rounds of each WOD. Total WOD time is 27 minutes.
*The time left at the end of finishing the 3 rounds in the given 9 minutes is your rest before starting the next round or WOD. If you don’t finish within the 9 minutes, adjust the weight and then the reps as needed.
For your final posted score, you will indicate the heaviest weight you used on the bar to successfully complete the WOD round. You may end up with 3 different weights. Go as heavy as you can that still allows you to complete all 3 rounds of each sequence.