715am EWOD
8am Wicked 1/2 Marathon Training Program Kick-Off Meeting
8am Boot Camp
815am Community WOD
930am Community WOD
Community WOD
Teams of two. Cheers to INDEPENDENCE DAY!!! 🥂💥🎉🎊
Buy in: Accumulate 1776 m row and 1776m Double DB/KB farmer carry. Both athletes working at a time. When row is complete finish the farmer carry meters together.
100 👀 you find out tomorrow 😉
90 👀 OMG what will it be!?
80 Hang cleans
70 Pendlay Row
60 Floor BB Press
50 V-Up / suitcase combo (1 v-up and 1 suitcase = 1)
40 Thrusters
30 BW Lateral Lunges per side
20 Squat clean lunge combo (1 squat clean, 1 BB lunge per leg)
10 Burpee Clusters EACH!
*After the 1776m row and carry done simultaneously or together, one athlete working at a time.
*Barbell 95/65 50+ 65/45.
3 Rounds for time
800m Row
50 push-ups
800m run
30 pull ups mod banded / ring rows