• You must wear face-covering when not able to maintain 14 feet of distance & and sanitize hands upon entry.
• Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face-to-face class times
• Please be sure to bring your own water.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
2 loop jog
leg swings
3 cycles of down dog into Spiderman/leg
20 sec pigeon/leg
5 BB deadlifts
5 BB bench press
10 hanging shrugs
-8 min WOD prep (work up to both BB weights)-
WODs 1 & 3
5 min AMRAP of:
5 Deadlifts (225/175) (50+ 175/130)
5 Toes to bar
5 Cal Bike
WODs 2 & 4
5 min AMRAP of:
5 Bench press (185/120) (50+ 135/75)
10 WB (20/14) (10/9’ (50+ 14/10)
25 Dubs (50 Singles)
*4 min rest between each WOD
Use 1 BB adjusting weight between rounds
Pick up where you left off