Metabolic Conditioning
• You must wear face covering when not able to maintain 14 feet of distance & and sanitize hands upon entry.
• Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face to face class times
• Please be sure to bring your own water.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
60 sec row
thumb down lat str
3 cycles of inchworm walkout to 3 Spiderman/leg
5 air squats to butt ball
10 hanging shrugs
10 kipping swings
-6 min to prep-
For time: (30 min cap)
2000m Row
100 WB (20/14) (50+ 14/10) (10/9’)
20 Muscle-ups OR 35 Chest to Bar pull-ups (Both RX) (Mod: Muscle-up attempts, Banded M-ups, Chin over bar pull-ups, Banded pull-ups or Ring rows)
*RX: Unpartitioned
*Mod: Partition as needed &/or reduce reps
*Bar Muscle-up progression exercise: