Lactate Threshold
• You must wear face covering when not able to maintain 14 feet of distance & and sanitize hands upon entry.
• Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face to face class times
• Please be sure to bring your own water.
• Please bring an extra clean and dry pair of shoes with you.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
-4 min prep-
E3MOM for 15 min: (5 rounds of each exercise)
5^ Bench press
8/arm DB Bent over back rows/arm
-5 min prep-
11min AMRAP:
15 RKBS (53/35) (50+ 35/26)
12 Burpees
9 Goblet squats (53/35) (50+ 35/26)