Metabolic Conditioning
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to sanitize hands upon entry and wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
WOD Review: 3-4 min
Warm-up together:
60 sec row
10 PVC pass thru
60 sec row
30 sec standing skin the cat
60 sec row
5 pushups to down dog
60 sec row
10 BB bench press
-3 min WOD Prep-
For time:
100 Bench press (65/35) (50+ 45/25)
1000m Row
80 Bench press
800m Row
60 Bench press
600m Row
40 Bench press
400m Row
POST-WOD Accessory Work ITP
Chest / Tricep stretch
3 x 10-15 of each
DB or BB Bicep curls
Standing tubing back flys
Plate Russian twists (per side)