Gymnastics Focus
• Utilize ZenPlanner to sign up for classes.
• Continue to sanitize hands upon entry and wipe down all equipment touched.
• Please continue to bring your own water.
SOD/WOD Review: 5-7 min
Keep stretching during review
Done together
2 loop jog
5 push-ups
down dog > Spiderman > pigeon
20 tubing pull-a-parts
10 diagonal tubing pull a parts/side
10 sec HS hold
-4 min prep-
4-10 Strict HSPU
*Increase challenge each round either through reps or increasing the distance traveled: Reduce plates/or increase deficit)
-4 min prep-
For time:
50 DB snatches (total) (50/35) (50+ 35/20)
5 Rope climbs (7 rope pulls)
40 DB snatches
4 Rope climbs (6 rope pulls)
*(new DB)*
30 DB snatches (70/50) (50+ 50/35)
3 Rope climbs (5 rope pulls)
20 DB snatches
2 Rope climbs (4 rope pulls)
10 DB snatches
1 Rope climb (3 rope pulls)