715am EWOD
8am Boot Camp
815am Community WOD
930am Community WOD
EMOM for 30min, alternating between:
Min 1. 12 AKB swings (53/35)
Min 2. 12 Wall balls, (20/14)
Min 3. 12 Med ball sit-ups
Min 4. 12 cal row
Min 5. Rest, 1 min
Buy out: 1200m run
Community WOD
Teams of two – AMRAP 30min
20 Burpees
30 Sprinter Abs each
40 KBSDHP 53/35
50 Airsquats
60 DB HANG Cleans 50/35 50+ 35/25
700m Row
*Reps and meters shared as you like unless otherwise noted.
Come join us for an awesome start to your weekend with a quick and fun workout with so many amazing people.