· When going indoors, you must wear face-covering into the building & gym and sanitize hands upon entry.
· Salem is now inside M-W-F and outdoors T/TH. This may be altered due to weather.
· Please refer to ZenPlanner for Zoom and Face to face class times
· You must reserve your spot for face-to-face class times
· If you still have borrowed equipment and you are planning to do face-to-face workouts, please return the equipment to the gym.
· Please be sure to bring your own water.
WOD Review then warm-up all together:
200m Row (100m Jog)
30 sec down dog
3 Prone ATYT’s (solid pause in each position) (
20 sec Spiderman/side
20 sec pigeon/side
EMOM for 5 min
Min 1: 45-sec Reverse plank hold (
Min 2: 45-sec Side 1 plank
Min 3: 45-sec Alternating Superman pulse-ups (
Min 4: 45-sec Side 2 plank
Min 5: Front plank (w/ slow alt leg lifts) (
-4 min rest and prep-
WODs 1 & 3
AMRAP in 5 min of:
10/7 cal Row (50+ 8/5)
8/6 HSPU (6/4 50+ 1 plate & pad)
WODs 2 & 4
AMRAP in 5 min of:
3 Power Snatch (105/75) (50+ 65/45)
5 Back Rack Back Squats (105/75) (50+ 65/45)
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Total time needed: 26 min
Outdoor & ZOOM WODs 1 & 3
AMRAP in 5 min of:
10/7 Cal Row OR 200m run OR 50 Dubs OR 100 Singles
8/6 HSPU (Mod: 8/6 Pike push-ups)
WODs 2 & 4
AMRAP in 5 min of:
5 DB Power snatch/arm
10 DB Squats (DB on shoulder)
*Rest 2 minutes between rounds
Total time needed: 26 min