Metabolic Conditioning
WOD Review then warm up all together: 1 indoor jog, 10 leg swings, 3 step to spiderman, 3 up to down dogs, 5 KB deadlifts
In 12 minutes, complete 2-3 sets of:
6/side KB/DB single-leg Romanian Deadlifts
4 pole Famers/Waiters carry per arm (heavier wt on farmers carry side)
For time:
10 KBS (70/53) (50+ 53/35)
200m Run (300m row/600m bike)
20 Dubs (40 singles)
10 KBS
300m Run (400m row/800m bike)
30 Dubs (60 singles)
10 KBS
600m Run (800m row/1500m bike)
60 Dubs (120 singles)
10 RBK
300m Run
30 Dubs
10 KBS
200m Run
20 Dubs
10 KBS