Lactate Threshold
WOD Review then warm up all together: 1 indoor loop, 10 leg swings/leg, 3 push-up to down dog, pigeon str, 3 step to Spiderman, 10 PVC pass thru, 10 good mornings, 5 PVC snatch balance, 5 BB hang power snatch, 5 hang squat snatch OR 5 power snatch
In 15 minutes, build to a challenging set of 3 squat or power snatches (not touch and go)
*Complete 3 singles, then rest/adjust your weight…
Partner WOD
15 min AMRAP
20 KB Sumo dead high pulls (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
20 Box jump overs (24/20) (50+ 20/16)
20 DB snatch (total) (50/35) (50+ 35/25)
*Share reps evenly