WOD Review then warm up all together: 2x: jog indoor loop, 3 step to Spidermans, 3 push-up to down dogs, 10 sec bottom of squat grind, 10 hanging shrugs
EMOM (9 min)
Min 1: Rope climb
Min 2: Straight legged plate sit-ups
Min 3: 8 Cossack squats/side (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpWMXBopkdU)
7 min ascending AMRAP of:
1-2-3-4…and so on Muscle-ups (Mod: Ring dips (Mod: banded) OR Box dips)
2-4-6-8..and so on Hang power clean (155/105) (50+ 115/75)
-Rest 3:00-
5 min ascending AMRAP:
Pick-Up Where You Left Off!