Gymnastics Focus
WOD Review then warm up all together: 2x: jog 1 loop, 3 push-up to down dog, 3 TVWQB, 10-sec Handstand, elevated Spiderman ankle stretch (box)
EMOM for 12 min (4 cycles through)
Ex 1: 10/side Side plank banded single-arm back row (
Ex 2: 4-5/side Pistols or Box/Plate single leg “soft” heel touches
Ex 3: 1-2 Rope climbs/Pulls OR Muscle-ups
You can start on any exercise.
1 Exercise per minute
12 min AMRAP
4 HSPU (RX: 1 rep must be strict) (50+ 1 plate & pad) (Mod: 15 sec HS hold, pike PU or DB S2OH)
6 Power snatches (95/65) (50+ 65/45) (Sub: P Cleans)
8 Overhead squats (Mod: Front squats)
10 Box jumps (24/20) (50+ 20/16 jump or step)