Gymnastics Focus
· You must wear face covering into the building & gym and sanitize hands upon entry.
· Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face to face class times
· Please be sure to bring your own water.
WOD Review then warm-up all together
150m Row
20 sec thumb down lat str/arm
20 sec down dog
20 sec pigeon/leg
20 sec child’s pose
20 sec seated shoulder extension
5 Min EMOM
Min 1: 10 Pull-ups (strict/kipping/mix) & 0 Ab rollouts
Min 2: 8 Pull-ups (strict/kipping/mix) & 2 Ab rollouts (minimum)
Min 3: 6 Strict Pull-ups & 4 Ab rollouts (minimum) (Mod as needed)
Min 4: 4 Strict pull-ups & 6 Ab rollouts (minimum)
Min 5: 2 Strict “L” pull-ups & 8 Ab rollouts (minimum)
-For more advanced athletes – consider incorporating muscle-ups (strict or swinging attempts) in place of pull-ups or adding weight to some of the rounds.
5 Rounds for time:
10 HSPU (Mod: pads to modify or pike push-ups or DB strict OHP)
5 Pistols/leg
5 DB snatch arm 1
5 DB forward lunges leg 1
5 DB snatches arm 2
5 DB lunges leg 2