· You must wear face covering into the building & gym and sanitize hands upon entry.
· Salem all-day indoor classes are M-W-F and all-day outdoors T/TH. Outdoors on M/W at 7:30am. This may be altered due to weather.
· Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face to face class times
· If you still have borrowed equipment and are doing face-to-face workouts, please return the equipment to the gym.
· Please be sure to bring your own water.
WOD Review then warm up all together:
10 leg swings/leg
20 sec thumb down lat str
20 sec down dog
20 sec pigeon/leg
20 sec BB front rack stretch
5 BB power cleans
5 BB squat cleans
The “New CrossFit Total” With a running clock you have approximately 15 minutes per lift to find a heavy single or possibly a 1 rep max. If you max out before the 15 min, move on to the next skill.
WOD 1: 15 minutes to establish a heavy Clean (Power or Squat)
SOD 2: 15 minutes to establish a heavy Bench press
SOD 3: 15 minutes to establish a heavy Overhead Squat (Sub Front squat)
*Keep in mind: 15 minutes for these lifts may not be enough time to get to an actual sufficiently rested 1RM for some of you, but, you should be able to get to 90-95% if not closer to a true 1 RM.