Gymnastics Focus
· You must wear face-covering into the building & gym and sanitize hands upon entry.
· Salem all-day indoor classes are M-W-F and all-day outdoors T/TH. Outdoors on M/W at 7:30 am. This may be altered due to weather.
· Please refer to ZenPlanner to sign up for Face to face class times
· If you still have borrowed equipment and are doing face-to-face workouts, please return the equipment to the gym.
· Please be sure to bring your own water.
WOD Review then warm up all together
100m jog
10 leg swings/leg
10 PVC pass-thru
30 sec down dog
30 sec pigeon/leg
3 high hip, hang & power PVC snatches
In 12 minutes complete ascending reps of:
1 Pull-up (strict)
1 Dip (Ring or Box)
1 Strict T2B/Leg raise
*After each round, add 1 rep
*After reaching 5 reps of a skill, if you can’t continue increasing reps of that skill without significant rest, don’t add more reps – stay with a rep scheme you can manage.
*Speed is not the goal, this is the strength of the day, so full range of motion, high-quality form, break it up into multiple sets/singles, rest as needed, and stay as RX as possible.
10, 9, 8, …1 of:
Box jumps (24/20) (50+ 20/16)
HSPU (50+ RX = 1 plate and pad)
WB (20/14) (50+ 14/10) (10/9’)
Outdoor SOD
EMOM for 12 minutes
Min 1: 12-16 Plank DB rows (6-8/arm)
Min 2: 6-10
Min 3: 10-12 Alt Single leg V-ups/leg
Outdoor WOD
10, 9, 8, …1 of:
Lateral skater jump and sticks (per leg) (pause and stick each landing)
Palm release push-ups
DB Thrusters (Single DB/both hands)