Metabolic Conditioning
WOD Review then warm up all together: 200m row, 5 step to Spidermans, 5 cobra to down dog, & pigeon str, bottom of squat grind, 15 slow/pausing banded glute bridges, 10 hanging shrugs, 15 sec HS hold
glute bridges: ( )
For time:
300m Run, then:
3 Rounds of:
12 Lateral Burpees over DB
12 Pull-ups (Mod: banded)
200m Row
Directly into…
300m Run, then 3 Rounds of:
12 Alt DB Snatches (total) (70/50) (50+ 50/35)
12 Bodyweight fwd lunges (per leg)
200m Row
Directly into:
300m run then: 3 Rounds of:
12 Inchworm walkout to DB sumo deadlift
12 WB (20/14 to 11/10’) (50+ 14/10 to 11/10”)
200m Row