(Metabolic Conditioning)
WOD review then warm up all together: 200m jog, 10 leg swings/leg, 5 step-ups/leg, 5 jumping pull-ups, 5 RKBS, 5 lunges/leg, 5 knees to chest, 5 BB push press, 5 wall squats, 5 WB, 3 push-up to down dog
“Filthy Fifty”
50 Box jump, (24/20) (50+ 20/18)
50 Jumping pull-ups (6 inch gap)
50 AKBS swings (35/26) (50+ 26/15)
50 Fwd walking lunge steps (total)
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press (45/35) (50+ 35/25)
50 Flat bench reverse hypers
50 WB (20/14 & 10/9) (50+ 14/10 & 10/9)
50 Burpees
50 Dubs (100 singles)
Post WOD: Mobility/Mash