WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 10 PVC pass thru, 5 TVWQB, 5 BB behind head presses, 5 BB Back jerks, 5 BB muscle snatch, 5 BB hang power snatch, 10 pvc seated passes, 10 hip rocks, :20 partner t spine stretch
In 18 minutes:
Build to a challenging Snatch Complex: Snatch grip deadlift, Hang or High hip power or squat snatch, OHS
AND complete 2-5 sets of 15 light tubing back flies
5 Rounds:
10 Power snatches (95/65) (50+ 65/35)
10 Box jumps (24/20) (50+ 20/18)
Gymnastics (6:30 PM)
Pistol Squat Progression
3 Rounds
30 V-ups
20 Cal Bike
10 DB CL/J (50/35)