(Lactate Threshold)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 10 leg swings/leg, PVC/BB front rack str, 5 push-up to down dog, 5 BB front squats, 5 BB high hip clean, 5 BB hang clean, 5 BB cleans
In 20 minutes, complete 4 sets of:
5^ Front squats
10-15 DB Tricep Extensions/arm OR 15-20 Tubing Tricep kickbacks
Alternating On the Minute x 16 (8 Rounds):
Odd min: 15/12 cal Bike (50+ 11/7 cal) (Row sub if needed)
Even min: Power cleans
Rounds 1-2: 5 Power cleans
Rounds 3-4: 4 Power cleans
Rounds 5-6: 3 Power cleans
Rounds 7-8: 2 Power cleans
*Increase weight every 2 rounds.*