(Lactate Threshold)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec PVC pass thru, 20 sec/arm PVC chicken str, 20 sec handstand hold, 10 hanging shrugs, 5 BB str leg deads, 5 BB deads, 5 fwd lunges/leg, 5 push-up to down dog
In 20 minutes:
5-8/leg Pitcher squats
8-12 DB/BB Bicep curls
15-20/side Standing tubing torso twists
12 minute AMRAP
6 Strict HSPU (50+ Kipping OR Strict with 5 inch pad)
9 Deadlifts (225/155) (50+ 155/105)
30 Double unders (Mod: 50 singles)