(Lactate Threshold)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 10 wall squats, 10 BB straight leg deads, 10 BB/PVC back rack jerks, then 3 PVC/BB reps of each: high hip power snatch,
high hip squat snatch, hang power snatch, hang squat snatch, power snatch, squat snatch
In 18 minutes, build to a challenging Snatch (power or squat)
*For those focusing more on technique complete 2-3 sets and 3 reps of each of:
High hip power snatch
High hip squat snatch
Hang power snatch
Hang squat snatch
Power snatch
Squat snatch
3 Rounds for time
15 Toes to bar (Mod: Straight leg toes to hip/chest)
10 Deadlifts (185/135) (50+ 155/105)
15 BB Hop overs (over and back =1)
10 Ring dips (Mod: Push-ups)
15 WB (25/20 10/9) (50+ 20/14 10/9)