(Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 200m jog, 10+ leg swings/leg, 10+ PVC pass thrus, 5 pushup to down dog, 15-20 sec of each: thumb down lat stretch, PVC chicken str, bottom of squat grind
With a 15 minute time cap:
100 Palm release push-ups… Every break until you finish 100 reps, perform:
5 BB Bent over back rows (weight = athlete’s choice based on anticipated # of sets)
*Be sure to scale the pushup with plates and pads to hold at least sets of 5.
15 Min Partner AMRAP
4 Rope climbs OR 4 M-ups (Mod: 2 Rope pulls a person or 4 Ring dips a person)
8 Pistols (Mod: Candle sticks or Box step offs) (4/leg)
12 Burpee jumping pull-ups (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVzrLDIRqnE)
*Share reps evenly.
To modify the burpee jumping pull-ups do a burpee on the floor and then step up to the box/step for jumping pull-up. If this is too cumbersome – do all the burpees at one time and then all the pull-ups at one time.
6:30 Gymnastics
4 Rounds
5 Wall walk ups
10 DB PC (50/35#)
15 Air Squats
20 Hollow rocks
3 sets
50 Band pull aparts
50 Banded curls