WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec PVC pass thru, 30 sec good mornings, 30 sec PVC OH wall squats, 5 reps of adductor stretch with rotation, 5 reps of floor biceps stretch, 20 sec. partner t spine stretch, 5 BB snatch high pulls, 5 BB muscle snatch, 5 BB OHS, 5 BB power snatch, 5 squat snatch
WOD prep: 8 minutes to set-up, movement prep and build to snatch weight
Partner “Amanda”
9-7-5 of Muscle-ups (Ring or Bar) and Squat snatch (135/95) (50+ 85/55 & Chest to Bar)
P1 will do a 9-7-5 of Snatch while P2 does 9-7-5 M-ups. Switch skills once both have compelted the 5 reps, then begin back at 9 reps of the other skill. One athete works at a time.
Mods for Snatch: Reduce weight > Power snatch into OHS > Power snatch
Mods for M-ups: Reduce reps but replace those reps with C2B > C2B pull-ups, COB pull-ups
Post WOD ITP: Hollow rock tabata
Gymnastics (6:30 pm)
Strict Pull-up Progression
3 RFT:
40 Double Unders
20 TTB
10 DB Thrusters (50/35)