WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec bike, 30 sec wall squats, 20 sec/leg of Spiderman & pigeon, 5 push-up to down dog, 5 BB interred rows
12 minutes to complete 2-3 sets:
2 pole lateral walk/lead leg (ankle bands)
8-10 Ring push-ups
12-20 Tubing back flies
5 Rounds: (27 minutes total)
1 Minute WB (20/14 10/9) (50+ 14/10 10/9)
1 Minute BB inverted row
1 Minute Calorie Bike
3 Minute Rest
*If needed, start at different stations.
Gymnastics (6:30)
Skill: 4 sets
10 Toes to bar
:20-:30 Hand stand hold (mod on box or wall facing hold)
Rest as needed
50 ft. DB Lunges
50 ft. DB Farmer’s Carry
10 Burpees over DB