(Metabolic Conditioning)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 200m jog, 10 leg swings/leg, 20 sec/leg: calf stretch, Spiderman str & pigeon str, 5 KB deads, 5 low RBKS, 6 box step/jump ups
For Time:
2,500/2,200m Row
With every 3 minutes you must complete:
10 RKBS (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
8 Box jumps (24/20) (50+ 20/18 step or jump)
*The workout will start with the KBS and Box jumps.
Post WOD ITP: 1-3x 10-20 reps of:
Tubing tricep kickbacks
Tubing or DB Bicep curls
Plate torso twists