WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec PVC good mornings, 10 leg swings/leg, 10 BB deads, 5 BB snatch balance, 5 BB high hip snatch, 5 hang squat snatch, 5 snatch
5 x 2^ Deadlift (16 min)
Pre-WOD: 5 min to build to snatch weight
15 min AMRAP
5 Box jumps (30/24) (50+ 24/20)
30 sec rest
1 Snatch (85-90% of 1RM) (Fitness: 10 KB SDHP)
30 sec rest
1 Legless Rope climb (Mods: legless ½ way, use legs, or 2 Rope pulls)
30 sec rest
*For those with heavier lifts, it’s acceptable to use the first 1-2 rounds to build the snatch weight up.