WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec pass thru, 20 sec wall squats, 20 sec PVC OH wall squats, 5 TVWQB, 5 PVC snatch balance, 5 PVC snatch high pulls, 5 PVC muscle snatch, 5 PVC high hip squat snatch
20 min to work on:
Snatch technique work and snatches (power and/or full) AND Handstand holds 20-40 sec (Advanced: add in same side shoulder taps)
*Technique work includes:
Snatch balance: if you need to improve your speed under the bar
Snatch high pulls: if you need to work on getting the bar off the hips and keeping it close on your 2nd pull
Muscle snatch: developing the strength and speed to turn the bar over at the top
High hip squat snatch: working on all the above
(*For board: add the drills – not the explanation. Website: add explanations)
3 Rounds for time:
15 Rev step lunges/leg
10 T2B (Mod: 15 V-ups)
5 Snatch complex (135/85) (50+ 85/55)
*1 Snatch complex =
1 power or squat snatch, 1 snatch grip deadlift, 1 above the knee sq or p snatch, 1 OHS