WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 2x: 2 indoor loops, 10 air squats, 4 rev lunges/leg, 5 high hip cleans, 5 hang cleans, 5 power cleans, 10 HS shrugs or 20 sec hold
In 15 min, complete 3-5 sets of:
10 Back squats
6-10 Ring push-ups (Mod: elevate rings or add bands across rings)
5 Rounds per person: Teams of 2 (10 round/team)
12 Goblet (KB/DB) reverse lunges (53/35) (50+ 35/25)
9 Power cleans (115/80) (50+ 75/55) (Fitness: KB Sumo dead high pull)
6 Strict handstand push-ups (50+ 1 plate and 1 pad) (MOD: Kipping HSPU, Pads, Pike, Holds, or DB strict press) (Fitness: Pushups)
Ath 1 completes a full round then Ath 2 starts. Rest while other is working.