(Gymnastics Focus)
WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec bike, 10 pause air squats, 20 sec/leg pigeon and couch str, 20 sec each of 3-way banded str (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HUtFvMij2E), 20 sec HS hold w/ shrugs
3 x 10 Pitcher squats/leg AND 3 x 15-20 Tubing back flies (17 min)
20 Minute AMRAP
8 HSPU (w/1 strict) (50+ 5 inch lift) (Mod: Plate & Mats, DB press)
8 Burpees
8 Wall facing shoulder taps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8WwpGQlq7U (Mod: Plank shoulder taps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGVomxz_QAc)
8 Pistols (4/leg) or 8 Candlesticks
Cash Out: 100 Abmat Situps (post 20 min AMRAP)