(Glycolytic or 19.4)
WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 60 sec row, 30 sec PVC good morning. 20 sec spiderman/leg, 20 sec pigeon/leg, then 2x: 5 cal bike, 5 push-ups, 4 DB rows/arm, 5 light deads
5 Rounds on the 4:00
9 Deadlifts (225/155) (50+ 155/95)
6 DB Renegade rows (50/35) (50+ 35/20) (1 rep = Push-up > Row > Push up > Row)
21/16 cal Bike (50+ 17/12)
*Complete the work and rest the remainder of the time. If you have less than 90 sec rest, reduce weight first and then reps.
Gymnastics (6:30 PM)
Skill EMOM x15 min
Minute 1: 5 false grip ring rows into 1 ring transition
Minute 2: :30-:40 sec. accumulated in a handstand or nose to wall hold
Minute 3: 15 pike leg lifts over db
4 Rounds:
300m Row
10 AKBS (53/35)
100ft. SA farmer’s walk