(Partner Play)
WOD Review:
Warm up all together: 2x: 1 indoor jog, 5 push-ups, 5 air squats, 5 BB front squats, 5 BB hang squat clean, 10-15 sec bike burst
Teams of 2 / For Time: (36 Minute Time Cap):
3 Rounds
20 Bar facing burpees
20 Hang squat cleans (135/95) (50+ 95/65) (Fitness: KB Sumo dead high pull)
20 Toes to bar (50+ knees to chest) (Fitness: V-ups/butterfly sit-ups)
20 Front squats (135/95) (50+ 95/65) (Fitness KB goblet squats)
30 (each for males) & 25 (each for females) cal Bike
*Share reps evenly / 1 Athlete works at a time.
*Athlete must do minimum sets of 5 reps at a time.
Post WOD: Body maintenance / Accumulate: 1-2 min of each
Pigeon stretch
Straddle groin stretch
Foam roller: quads and hamstrings
Couch stretch
Figure four stretch
Gymnastics WOD
Skill Focus:
Weighted strict Pull-up: 5×5
3 RFT:
50 Double unders (100 Singles)
25 Push-ups
20 DB hang cleans (total) (50/35) (35/20)
15/12 Cal row