Lactate Threshold (First class: 6:30am – last classes 3:30 and 4:30pm)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60 sec row, 10 leg swings, 20 sec Spiderman & pigeon, 5 push-ups to down dog, 5 BB straight leg deads, 5 BB deadlifts, 5 BB snatch grip deads, 10 BB back squats
In 22 minutes
5, 4, 3, 2, 1^ Back squats
4 x 3 Snatch grip halting deadlifts (2 sec pause at top) (
For the halting deads – this should be medium to slightly heavy weight. The goal is to maintain proper positioning with shoulder over the bar / slightly in front of the bar and not reach full extension. Develop the positional strength. The weight does not need to be ascending.
15 min AMRAP:
21/16 cal Bike (50+ 17/11)
12 AKBS (70/53) (50+ 53/35) (Mod: RBKS)
6 T2B