Glycolytic (2-5 min bursts)
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings, 20 sec Spiderman & pigeon, 5 push-ups to down dog, racked BB forearm and lat mash, BB front rack str, 10 BB front squats
In 18 minutes, complete 3-5 sets of:
5^ Front squats
10-15 GHD sit-ups (plate sit-ups)
15-20 light tubing back flies
Partner WOD
Teams of 2: 18 min AMRAP
10 WB (20/14) (50+ 14/10) (all: 10/9’)
3 Clean & jerks (135/95) (50+ 105/70)
*Teammate complete full rounds, then switch