WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings, 10 PVC good-mornings, 10 BB deadlifts, 5 step to Spidermans, 3 cobra str into down dog
WOD Prep
6 min to build to deadlift weight
For time:
600m run (2 long loops) (Sub: 750m row or 1500m bike)
10 Deadlifts (275/205) (50+ 185/135)
15 WB (20/14) (50+ 14/10) (10/9′)
600m run
8 deadlifts
15 WB
*Reduce deadlifts by 2 each round all the way to 2 reps
*@3000m total running
*The deadlifts should be heavy/challenging and are not designed to be unbroken or necessarily fast. Strong and mindful set-up each rep.