Friday (Glycolytic 2-5 min bursts)
8:30 am will be our FIRST class of the day. 5:30 pm will be our final class of the day.
WOD Review then warm up all together: 60-sec row, 10 leg swings/leg, 5 push-up to down dog, 5 step to Spidermans/leg, 20-sec pigeon str, 10 easy ring rows
In 15 min:
3 x 7^ Pitcher squats
BB 3 x 8-10 Inverted rows (elevate feet for more challenge)
Partner WOD:
24 min AMRAP
3 Power cleans (135/95) (50+ 95/65)
6 Burpees
3 Alt lunge jumps (per leg) (Mod: Rev step lunges)
*Partner 1 does a full round while P2 rests. Switch after the last lunge jump.
The goal is to stick to a round per minute, if that’s too difficult to maintain, lighten up the weight